The World According to Movies
An exploration into how Sci-Fi films reflect the time period in which they were made.
Essential Questions:
How do sci-fi movies reflect the time period they are made in?
How does the villain reflect common societal fears?
Key Goals:
​Students will be able to watch movies from a critical lens to explore how they influence and comment on current societal problems.
Students will understand that media can be used to reflect society as well as influence society.
Students will be able to develop teamwork in a high stress situation such as making a movie.
Final Product:
​By the end of this project students will have created a short film using the genre of sci-fi to make commentary on the world we are living in today.
Answering questions such as:
What are we scared of as a society?
How do we find hope when we are scared?
How do we create otherness using aliens?
Critical Pedagogy Component:
This will be an opportunity to look at sci-fi that is not what we see in mainstream media
Explore Afrofuterism, Native America sci-fi as well as Asian-American Sci-fi
We will also explore the concept of otherness and how aliens are used in sci-fi and the real world to dehumanize people
Possible Anchor Texts:
Trail of Lightening​
The Power
Carrie Fisher's Memior
The Gauntlet
Star Wars and the 4 Ways Science Fiction Handles Race
The genre has no problem imagining a future full of spaceships and aliens. A racially integrated society, though?
The Ultimate Guide To Creating An Authentic Villain
Challenge options:
Boundaries and Otherness in Science Fiction: We Cannot Escape the Human Condition
Star Wars
Episodes from Star Trek
Big Bang Theory
Black Panther
Raising Dion
Attack the Block​-Rated R